Looking Ahead


Q1 ended with reasonably strong equity performance across various indexes. 1


Take a look at how we see the coming quarter by clicking on this link to our Q2 2023 Look Ahead.

While U.S. corporate earnings expectations are negative for Q2; equity performance, counterintuitively, can still be positive. 2


In fact, some of the best equity performance can occur on the heels of negative earnings.

Our Look Ahead for Q2 lays this out in greater detail.

You can also see why this chart will pose an ongoing threat to banks as long as the Fed holds rates higher for longer. 3


Again, by clicking the link you can tune into our narrated version of what we think will occur in the banking system in Q2.

You can also hear our views when it comes to ongoing market volatility. The gap between what the Fed projects for interest rates and what Wall Street expects will be at the epicenter of Q2 volatility. 4


Take a look at our Q2 2023 Look Ahead here
Watch our narrated version here

If you have questions or comments, please let us know. You can contact us via Twitter and Facebook, or you can e-mail Tim directly. For additional information, please visit our website.

Tim Phillips, CEO, Phillips & Company


  1. Bloomberg
  2. https://insight.factset.com/topic/earnings
  3. https://dailyshotbrief.com/
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-22/traders-price-in-more-fed-cuts-for-2023-even-as-officials-hike