
Recent Posts

  1. July 15, 2024

    How to Cope with Shocking Events and Your Portfolio. I have often called Presidential election years the ‘Silly Season.’ All the posturing, political speech, and empty promises make for a cynical consumer. However, things got serious this season. The attempt on former… More >>

  2. July 8, 2024

    We are entering the phase of the economic cycle where things can look and feel a little painful. Yet equity returns can act in a counterintuitive manner. Let me explain. The recent jobs report suggested that the labor market was in good shape. However, when you look at… More >>

  3. July 1, 2024

    Overall equity markets rose in the second quarter, with the S&P 500 gaining 3.92% as investors have been digesting a mix of economic data points, including signs of a cooling labor market, receding inflation, as well as an evolving Fed policy outlook as the U.S.… More >>

  4. June 24, 2024

    With the upcoming Presidential Debate taking place this week and party conventions around the corner, election season is kicking off. The amount of anxiety around the outcome will be increasing as November approaches. Policy and personality differences will take the… More >>

  5. June 17, 2024

    In the most recent Federal Reserve interest rate setting meeting and accompanying press conference, the Fed sent some subtle signals and ambiguities. First, the Fed continues to believe that the economy is on a growth path, with GDP projections matching their March… More >>

  6. June 10, 2024

    The U.S. economy has shown remarkable resilience in the face of higher interest rates, with a combination of factors contributing to continued economic growth and a positive outlook for the stock market. One of the most significant factors supporting the U.S. economy is the… More >>

  7. June 3, 2024

    The U.S. consumer has entered another soft patch. It’s a critical part of the cycle to allow the economy to cool, inflation to further decline, and helps restore a more neutral interest rate policy. The recent Q1 GDP report showed that U.S. economic growth moderated to… More >>

  8. May 28, 2024

    This past week I’ve heard from several of our clients. Realize we serve over 18,000 employees in 401(k) plans and thousands of individuals. Our data set is pretty broad, and I get a good feel for what they are thinking. There seems to be an anxious mood of late. Their… More >>

  9. May 20, 2024

    We've spent so much time talking about inflation and interest rates over the course of the year that it's easy to lose sight of other factors influencing markets. Let’s step away from the inflation narrative and look at a long-term trend impacting equity prices: The supply… More >>

  10. May 13, 2024

    The economy is definitely slowing. Last week’s blog reviewed the weakness in the labor market. Recent data suggests some consumer weakness is gathering steam. Consumer credit expanded well below expectations in March and revolving credit (credit card debt) expanded at the… More >>

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