
Recent Posts

  1. July 31, 2023

    The Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the eighth time in the last twelve months. Going from 0% to 5.5% is now the fastest and highest rates have been in 22 years. We should be at, or near, the very end of the Fed’s rush to raise rates in an effort to combat… More >>

  2. July 24, 2023

    Second quarter earnings season kicked off with a slightly weaker set of results than expected. According to FactSet, 18% of S&P 500 companies have reported results so far. These companies have posted a blended earnings per share decline of 9% on a year-over-year basis,… More >>

  3. July 17, 2023

    It’s been a long slog for those of us living in the “inflation is transitory” camp.  We’ve gone a little quiet over the last year as inflation persisted and actually accelerated.  The “base effect” or year-over-year change from 2021 to 2022 didn’t provide any relief.… More >>

  4. July 10, 2023

    I don’t put much weight into forecasts especially when it comes to long-term investing. Even those with the most access to the best data get it wrong. That point is made abundantly clear by our friend and bestselling author Morgan Housel. Take a quick look at this very… More >>

  5. July 3, 2023

    The second quarter ended with strong equity performance across most equity indexes. 1 Take a look at how we see the coming quarter by clicking on this link to our Q3 2023 Look Ahead. Inflation continues to moderate, with prices for food, energy, and rent declining.… More >>

  6. June 26, 2023

    The world continues to provide a multi-crisis economic backdrop, making equity investing challenging. The biggest news has been the instability in Russia, the largest nuclear power in the world. 1 Assuming cooler heads prevail as domestic instability in Russia unfolds,… More >>

  7. June 20, 2023

    During the earnings quiet period investors tend to focus their attention on a host of other issues. The most recent focal point is the Fed’s interest rate pause/skip decision last week. For the sake of simplicity and brevity they signaled another 50 basis points of rate… More >>

  8. June 12, 2023

    After one of the longest lasting bear markets in history, the S&P 500 closed up 20% off its 10/12/2022 low on Friday to kick off the official start of another bull market. If history is any guide there is more positive market action to come, according to our research… More >>

  9. June 5, 2023

    It might be easy to get distracted by the above expectations Jobs Report on Friday. After all, it could and should signal more interest rate hikes ahead by the Fed. However, the real story might be the unintended consequences of the unlimited debt ceiling passed by… More >>

  10. May 30, 2023

    It would appear the cataclysmic “debt ceiling” debate could be in our rear-view mirror. However, never underestimate the ability of Congress to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I’m not suggesting higher debt and borrowing are good for our economy, but not paying our… More >>

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